Santos’ urban approval rating falls below 50%: Poll

The urban approval rating of President Juan Manuel Santos has dropped to 47% and is now one percentage point lower than his disapproval rating, Colombian media reported Sunday based on a poll.

According to weekly Semana and media conglomerate RCN, the president’s approval rating dropped from 73% since November 2011 among respondents in Colombia’s 13 largest cities.

Urban approval rating Juan Manuel Santos

The approval of Santos’ is the lowest presidential rating in a decade as his predecessor Alvaro Uribe (2002 – 2010) steadily kept his approval rating well above 50%.

Also in the latest poll, Uribe — who has become one of Santos’ major critics — can count of the approval of 58% of the interviewed urban dwellers, 18 percentage points less than in November 2010.

Urban approval rating Alvaro Uribe

Santos and Uribe not the only one who have lost approval; The poll showed that 63% of those polled does not trust the government, 74% does not trust the justice system and 79% does not trust Congress. The lack of confidence in Colombia’s institutions is most prevalent in Colombia’s lower and middle class.


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