Santos names Echeverry finance minister

Colombia’s President-elect Juan Manuel Santos named Juan Carlos Echeverry, an economic advisor to his campaign, as finance minister, following a meeting with outgoing President Alvaro Uribe in the Casa de Nariño.

Santos has promised to create 2.5 million jobs and formalize a further 500,000.

“It is a very pleasant announcement and my party [Conservative], and I thank the president-elect for taking me into account and giving me this vote of confidence that will be in effect after August 7 when Santos assumes the presidency,” Echeverry said.

Echeverry was head of the National Planning Department under President Pastrana from 2000-2002.

Alberto Bernal, head of research at Bulltick Capital Markets, said before the election that the markets would welcome the appointment of Echeverry as finance minister, due to his “very strong orthodox fiscal and monetary views.”

Santos said that “as we have said during the [election] campaign, to generate employment a series of policies need to be put in place” that allow job creation.

The “Uribista” also announced that the presidency’s private secretary will be Juan Carlos Mira.

The commission charged with ensuring the smooth transition of government from Uribe to Santos is comprised of Juan Carlos Pinzon, Maria Angel Holguin, Fernando Carrillo, Juan Mesa, German Cardona and Miguel Peñalosa.

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