Road to Monserrate, top Bogota tourist spot, still unfinished

Colombia’s Inspector General’s Office has expressed its concern about the delays in constructing a new pedestrian path to Bogota’s Monserrate, which is still missing the last 948 feet leading to the mountain-top church., reported newspaper El Espectador on Sunday.

The Cerro de Monserrate church and lookout hosts thousands of visitors a day, ranging from worshipers, hikers, and tourists. But transportation to the summit is limited. Currently, the only means to arrive at the church are by cable car, funicular, or hiking.

The project, which should have been completed in January, is still delayed and the impending onslaught of winter will likely disrupt more of the progress. The main construction of the road is complete, but the city is planning to make the road an ecological and educational path that will enlighten travellers, similar to a botanical garden.

Bogota’s Inspector General, Fabio Becerra, commented that he also noticed the path causing an invasion of public space due to the fact that several homes lay in the way of the path.

Regardless, the project continues to move forward to ready the footpath for Monserrate-visitors.

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