Senator proposes Colombia president and FARC leader meet to speed up peace talks

A coalition senator on Tuesday proposed a meeting between Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos and the supreme leader of the FARC to speed up stalled peace negotiations.

Liberal Party Senator Guillermo Garcia told press that a new initiative is required to accelerate developments and renew confidence in the peace process between the government and the rebels that has been ongoing since late 2012.

“It would be an act welcomed by Colombians and would demonstrate that the talks are on track” the Senator advised on Tuesday. As yet there has been no official response from the Government or the FARC.

The conflict



Political exclusion

Weak, corrupt state

Violence aggravators

Drug trafficking

International actors

Fact sheet

Peace talks



In an interview with newspaper El Espectador, “Ivan Marquez,” the rebels’ lead negotiator, said that a recent escalation of violence between the warring parties has delayed the talks.

Peace talks in Havana have been tumultuous after the FARC suspension of the unilateral ceasefire on May 22. This came in response to a military attack in which 26 guerrillas were killed.

The guarantor countries at the peace talks Norway and Cuba, supported by victim organizations and international NGOs have urged the government and rebel group to agree to a bilateral ceasefire, a move that also counts on the support of the FARC, but fails government support.

The government did renew their negotiation team last week and the FARC on Monday changed their stance on imprisonment as justice for the thousands of crimes committed, though not an ordinary prison Pastor Alape told El Tiempo.

FARC willing to do time for war crimes, just not in prison

Colombia’s prosecution office suspended all 182 arrest warrants against FARC leader “Timochenko” in the hope that a more agile contact between negotiators and their supreme commander can also speed up the talks that are met with increasing skepticism among the population as time passed and no progress was shown.

FARC leader free to travel to Cuba after Colombia lifts arrest warrants


La petición para un encuentro de Santos y ‘Timochenko’ (El Espectador)

Proponen encuentro Santos -Timochenko para acelerar diálogos de paz (Caracol Radio)

Partido Liberal propone que Santos y ‘Timochenko’ se reúnan para destrabar proceso de paz (Radio Santa Fe)

Piden un encuentro entre Santos y Timochenko por la paz (infobae)

http://Senado propone reunión entre Santos y Timochenko (El Colombiano)


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