Santos inaugurates new Bogota airport terminal ahead of schedule

Inauguration of the new national terminal of the Eldorado de Bogota Airport (Photo: president's office)

Colombia President Santos inaugurated a new $900 million terminal at Bogota’s international El Dorado airport Tuesday, 9 months ahead of the projected completion date.

“This is without a doubt the most technologically advanced airport in the region,” said the president. “This is the airport that Bogota deserves and the airport that Colombia deserves.”

The president made sure to highlight the increased carrying capacity of the new airport, which will be able to accommodate 3 times more traffic. This new terminal will have 140,000 square feet reserved for businesses and restaurants, and those already poised to open next week include McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, El Corral and Oma, among others.

According to the president, last year 22 million people passed through Bogota’s El Dorado airport.

“We are no longer the ‘Tibet’ of South America, that country closed in on itself, as said our dear former President Alfonso Lopez Michelesen. Now we are a country more open to the world, because we want tourists and investors,” said President Santos.

Bogota’s international airport El Dorado was recently ranked in the top six airports in the world in a list compiled by the founder of travel guide Lonely Planet.

MORE: Bogota’s airport is flying high in world rankings


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