“Presidency is conspiring against the court”

“I do not understand how it is possible that the legal and press secretary of the President can meet with a renowned paramilitary, while the whole country knows he belongs to an illegal armed group. (…) I don’t know how President Uribe can call for the arrest of members of the Office of Envigado while his legal adviser is receiving members of this same office,” Supreme Court president Francisco Javier Ricaurte said.

Ricaurte repeated his claim the government is trying to discredit the Court and deligitimize its judges, because of its investigations into the alleged involvement of paramilitaries in congress.

“In my opinion this is the most serious of events that occurred in the government’s actions against the Court. (…) I do not understand the Presidency received a paramilitary to hand over some supposed evidence against judges of the Supreme Court,” the Supreme Court president added.

Ricaurte announced it will ask the Prosecution and the country’s Attorney General to investigate the “conspiracy” and to sanction the officials involved. Colombia’s Chief Prosecutor Mario Iguarán announced he will start an investigation conserning the meeting between the presidency, Don Berna’s lawyer and the recently murdered paramilitary ‘Job’

The Presidency has admitted to have the attorneys of extradited paramilitary boss ‘Don Berna’ and his close ally ‘Job’.

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