Poser priest swindles locals with bogus charities

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Medellin police have captured a man posing as a priest, who had been busy swindling citizens by collecting money for bogus charities.

The fake religious leader had been cheating residents in the neighborhood of Niquia, Medellin by deceiving his unsuspecting flock into donating their hard earned pesos to charities that were as non-existent as their alleged priests religious convictions.

The unwary donors, who had hoped to benefit local charities and get on god’s good side, were given fake receipts and bonds to make their donations to the con-man’s pocket seem legitimate.

Local police captured the 39 year-old fraudster following a citizens complaint.

The double-crossing religious impostor was found to be in possession of three fake identity cards that registered him as a priest, one that listed him as a chaplain and, most under-handed of all, a card that listed him as a benefactor to a community center for seniors.

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