Colombia deeply divided over peace process with FARC

Colombia is deeply divided on how their government is handling the peace process with the FARC, according to poll released Monday. The majority of the population is pessimistic of its outcome

The Datexco poll, “Pulse of the Country,” revealed that 49% of Colombians are unhappy with the government’s ongoing peace process with guerrilla group the FARC. 44% said to be in agreement.

Additionally, 51% of interviewed Colombians believe that the peace process with not result in an agreement. Only 39% believe that it will.

An even more disparaging number, whether or not a peace agreement is signed, was when asked if the peace process would achieve actual peace, 55% of respondents said “No,” reported W Radio.

The despondency of the peace process coupled with other issues that the country disapproves of-such as topics of health, security and unemployment could be a factor in President Juan Manuel Santos’ possible reelection run, with 61.5% saying they would not reelect the president. Santos’ approval rating was set at 47%, a record low for the Colombian president.

MORE: History of approval ratings Juan Manuel Santos

Do you think there will be a deal with the FARC?

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