Police find 12 linked to Facebook death threats

The Colombian Police on Tuesday identified twelve people connected to the Facebook group which posted death threats to presidential candidate, Antanas Mockus, reports Caracol.

Director of Police, Gen. Oscar Naranjo said that federal agencies in the U.S. had been helping Colombian authorities identify the IP address from which the group was created.

Naranjo said that the network of friends connected with the Facebook group was being investigated primarily by the Prosecutor General’s office.

Following the threats against the Green Party leader, Presdident Uribe released a statement of condemnation, saying that those responsible should “go to jail.”

Interior Minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio, said that the security of all the presidential candidates was guaranteed, and that it was the current priority of the security forces.

Last week Colombian authorities announced new security measures, including the addition of 500 police, to protect candidates in the lead-up to the presidential elections.

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