Playboy Colombia features perky Paisa

Notorious nude magazine Playboy Colombia has picked perky Paisa Derly Baena to feature in its most recent edition, reported entertainment website Estereofonica Tuesday.

Derly Baena is pretty and pint-sized, hailing from the city of Medellin, and with lots of skin and sensuality she plans to represent Colombian beauty to the fullest in the national edition of Playboy magazine. For her “nudity is an artform,” and she’s quick to prove it.

Derly keeps fit by partaking in a wide range of sports, citing kickboxing, cycling, karate, and gym class spinning as her favorite activities. She also says her favorite color is red, and adorns herself with the flushed shade whenever possible. She boasted that her skin color goes especially well with red, but such a bright color requires an equally fiery personality and style to match.

The playmate studies acting and hopes to begin starring in Colombian and international films. She also has a passion for fashion, and has recently returned from fashion shows in Milan, Italy and has represented various brands in expos in Europe, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

In addition to those bags of tricks, Colombia’s new bunny is a certified cosmetologist, on the up and up on the most recent treatments, procedures, and products to keep her perky and pretty.

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