PG to appeal release of suspected guerrilla carrying hostage videos

Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s Office announced Tuesday it will appeal the release of an alleged guerrilla who was arrested while carrying proof of life videos of FARC hostages.

The announcement was made by Fernando Marquez, director of the Prosecutor General’s office technical investigation division.  Marquez said the appeal will seek to reverse a supervisory judge’s ruling that released alleged rebel Ramiro Valbuena Ospina.

“We respect the judicial ruling that released Valbuena, but we don’t agree with it and we’re going file an appeal at Bogota’s superior court because the arrest proccedings were properly conducted,” said Marquez.

Valbuena was arrested Saturday at a military checkpoint between Villavicencio and Bogota. At the moment of his arrest Valbuena was in possession of a USB containing life-proof of 10 soldiers and police officers held hostage by FARC.

At the arrest legalization hearing a supervisory judge in preliminary proceedings ruled that Valbuena’s right were violated. According to the judge’s ruling Valbuena was brought to court after the legal 36  hour deadline had already passed.

According to Colombia’s armed forces commander Gen. Freddy Padilla Valbuena is a member of FARC’s 44th front.


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