Petro: Polo Democratico will block European FTA

Colombian presidential candidate Gustavo Petro said Wednesday that his Polo Democratico party does not support the free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) and will attempt to prevent the deal being ratified by Congress, reports El Tiempo.

Speaking in the city of Bucaramanga, Petro denounced the FTA, saying that the Polo Democratico “will not pass this kind of agreement in Congress” as it would “ruin” Colombia.

“The president made a serious mistake, because the consequences are not only for the dairy sector,” Petro said.

Colombia and Peru officially signed a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) at a ceremony in Madrid on Wednesday, to boost bilateral trade between the European bloc and the Andean nations.

President Uribe hailed the agreement, calling it “a very important step for Colombia’s economic and social development.”

Uribe said he hoped the deal will create “sustainable growth of above 5% or 6%, which will result in a substantial reduction in unemployment, and that poverty will be overcome.”

The president also released a statement promising to protect the Colombian dairy industry, which has expressed concern that the FTA will see the end of local dairy businesses, unable to compete with the heavily-subsidized European dairy producers.

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