Paul McCartney rocks Bogota (photos / video)

Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney rocked Bogota’s jam-packed El Campin Stadium with two hours of his biggest hits Thursday.

The international superstar greeted the crowd of 30,000 in Spanish with “hello Bogota!” and “hello Colombia!”

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Accompanied by guitarists Rusty Anderson and Brian Ray, keyboardist Paul Wix Wickens, and Able Laboriel, Jr. on drums, McCartney kicked off the show with the famous Beatle’s song “Magical Mystery Tour.” He continued on with hits like “Junior’s Farm” and “All my Loving.”

McCartney, who had told Colombian media that “I keep the spirit of the Beatles alive in my concerts,” played a number of Beatles classics including “Obladi Oblada, “Back in the USSR,” and “Let it Be.” The song “Live and Let Die” was accompanied by a shower of fireworks and lightshows.

The stadium was filled with estatic applause when McCartney finished the show by waving the Colombian flag and saying “buenos noches parceros (good night friends).”

Thursday’s show in Bogota was part of his 12-city “On the Run” tour which will take him through much of America and Europe, followed last month’s release of his 15th studio album, “Kisses on the Bottom.”

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