Parapolitician leaves prison after 19 months

Former congresswoman Eleonora Pineda was released from prison Saturday
after having served 19 of her 30 month sentence for her ties to
demobilized paramilitary organization AUC.

Pineda was the first politician to be sentenced for her ties to the far right paramilitaries in what later became the parapolitics scandal, the political influence of the AUC in state institutions and the intimidation of voters to vote for AUC-backed politicians.

Pineda had proven links to the AUC’s highest commanders and was an ardent supporter of the group that’s held responsible for tens of thousands of human rights violations, murders and rapes.

She was released after having served 60 percent of her sentence because of good behaviour.

The former Liberal Party senator says she will now focus on being a stylist, the profession she occupied before entering politics.

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