New cell phone measure to deter theft

The defense minister announced a new plan that deters cell phone theft by not allowing phones to be reactivated after they have been stolen.

After a meeting with Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Diego Molano, Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivera announced a protocol to be signed with the Association of the Cellular Industry in Colombia (Asocel) in the next 30 days that will not allow SIM cards or cell phones that have been stolen to be reactivated after their theft.

To be sure of the authenticity of cell phones, they will only be sold at Asocel authorized locations.

The protocol will also take measures to increase information sharing to prevent the sale of cell phones stolen in Colombia in foreign countries.

Rivera reported that for every 100 robberies in Bogota, 60 of them are cell phones, and people are being killed during these robberies.

Newspaper El Pais reported Thursday that 204 stolen cell phones were recovered by police from stores who were repairing and re-selling them in Cali the capital of Valle del Cauca.

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