Miss Colombia Preview Pt. III

The Miss Colombia beauty pageant, one of the most important annual events in the South American country, is less than a month away. Time to pick favorites.

Over the past year, the different states have picked their representatives for the national beauty pageant that will be held in the Caribbean city of Cartagena on November 11.

In a series of five, Colombia Reports is introducing the candidates.

MORE: Miss Colombia Preview Pt. I / Pt. II

Miss Bogota

Jennifer Uscategui, 20, is the “Queen of beauty queens” according to her own mother. Apart from that superlative, she’s a Social Communication student at the Santo Tomas university in Colombia’s capital.

Miss Norte de Santander

The 23-year-old Angelica Villasmil hails from the northern Norte de Santander department with the ambition of becoming a lawyer later in life. Ever sincer she got elected Miss Norte de Santander her daily life does not allow her much study though; Four hours a day are invested in working out and another eight hours are spent on typical beauty-queen science on aesthetics, journalism and catwalks.

Miss Cesar

Andrea Salas is another law student taking part in this year’s Miss Colombia. While originally from the northern Cesar department she represents, the beauty queen has been living in the capital Bogota for the past eight years.

Miss Atlantico

Paulina Vega is the second beauty queen this year with pedigree; Her grandmother was crowned Miss Atlantico in 1953.  The Caribbean beauty speaks some German as she spent time in the European country to attend high school.

Miss Arauca

Paula Ruiz, 21, is from the remote northeastern state of Arauca where she studies gastronomy. It took locals three times to get Ruiz to take part in the national beauty pageant, she told magazine Cromos, as on two occasions she lost the phone numbers of the office where she could register for Miss Arauca.


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