Miss Colombia candidates tour Cartagena

Eight finalists of the Minicromos National Beauty Contest arrived at the coastal city of Cartagena Tuesday to snap their moneymaking beauty shots.

The group included the Misses of Bolivar, Cartagena, Bogota, Magdalena, Arauca, Caqueta, Risaralda and Santander. “We are all happy…this time we were the lucky ones,” beamed Miss Magdalena, also known as Adriana Vidal.

The representatives of Bolivar and Cartagena were anxious to show off their home turf. “Cartagena is a magical city and there is no one that wouldn’t fall in love with it when they visit. My mission during these next few days will be to show my companions all the hidden beauties the city has,” explained Elida Castro, Miss Cartagena.

The ladies began their tour with a visit to the historic center of Cartagena, aboard a specially equipped bus.

The National Beauty Contest celebrates its 40th anniversary this year and has a proud history of launching the careers of aspiring Colombian models.

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