Medellin’s Parque la Milagrosa

Settled in the heart of Medellin’s Milagrosa neighborhood is Parque La Milagrosa, a social focal point for the area, boasting various spaces for recreational activities and some unique pieces of local modern art.

Situated in Comuna 9 in east Medellin, the park functions as a social hub where people of all ages from the neighbourhood meet and hang out. To the south of the park lies a hard surface soccer pitch/basketball court, an absolute magnet for kids and teenagers and their dreams of making in in the Latin American street soccer world.

If it’s a bit of peace and quiet you’re looking for however, the park also boasts some quiet corners where you can make yourself comfortable, sit back and admire the selection of local art sculptures and Catholic monuments, read a book, or amuse yourself by watching the world (and its people) go by.

One drawback, however, is the distance from any tourist friendly transport; the park is a one hour walk from the nearest metro station. If you feel like a bit of urban exploring though, La Milagrosa is well worth checking out, and a great way to spend your Sunday.

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