Medellin’s city chefs cook up a mean cazuela

For travellers uninterested in Medellin’s cocaine and gambling scenes, Son del Tropico’s “cazuela de frijoles” may prove to be the most addictive thing in Colombia’s second city.

Wandering through Medellin’s bustling centro area, there are dozens of hidden culinary gems just waiting to be found. Yet Son del Tropico and owner Claudio Ortiz may have the most delicious option in town.

Ortiz’s cazuela is a bean stew equipped with shredded beef, chicharon, sausage, fried plantains (optional and inadvisable), topped with shredded potato chips and accompanied by a slice of avocado.

For those with a strong stomach and something to prove, the owners have a jar of seriously dangerous “hogao” hot sauce to add to your meal.

At a meager $4.30, the cazuela is clearly good value and will leave you satisfied for hours.

Local patrons recommend the maracuya (passionfruit) juice with milk as the ideal beverage with which to wash down your cazuela.

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