Medellin hosts eco-tourism conference

The city of Medellin will host the 5th annual Rural and Natural Tourism Conference, lasting from October 11-13 at Parque Arvi.

The event will reunite tourism leaders throughout the country to discuss and share practices of eco-tourism, with the hopes of expanding the sector in Colombia.

“The program is aimed at entrepreneurs in the rural housing sector, receptive operators of nature tourism, operating agencies, operators of theme parks and attraction-related associations, local authorities, and other employees interested in the development of rural tourism and nature.”

This year the event will also be featuring the Department of Caqueta as a special attraction, with the support of the Institute of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

Lucia Vasquez Chavarro, a coordinator from the Institute, said they are planning to send 6 tourism operators from the region who will be making presentations regarding eco-tourism in Caqueta.

Vasquez Chavarro explained that “this event will permit attendees to meet and share practical experiences in Latin America in developing this kind of tourism, enhance learning in the operation of nature tourism products, and identify key actors and operators in the region.”

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