Marcela Mar and Sara Corrales lock horns via their lawyers

Marcela Mar responds to Sara Corrales’ libel suit through her lawyer, refusing so far to issue a retraction.

Her lawyer Juan Carlos Forero said that “so far we have not discussed a retraction at all,” reports newspaper El Tiempo.

Although the actress Marcela Mar has refused to speak to the media about the case that has earned her a lawsuit for slander filed by Sara Corrales, Mar’s came to her rescue, saying that his client should not be treated like a criminal because all she did was express an opinion on an aesthetic model that in society.

Mar’s comments that have sparked litigation follow Corrales’ extramarital affair with costar Robinson Diaz. Mar said: “To me, the types of beauties such as Sara Corrales… are the stereotype and perpetuate [the glamorization] of drug trafficking in our country.” Previously she had said that this type of beauty “is like everything easy and immediate, the image of the prepaid woman which to me is disgusting.”

Corrales’ lawyer Abelardo de la Espriella has said that if Mar would publicly retract her comments and apologize to Corrales, they would cancel the lawsuit for aggravated injury. So far though, it doesn’t seem like that is going to happen.

Mar’s lawyer said that her comments “fall within the legitimate right to express opinions… that is not a crime.

“Marcela’s comments are a criticism of a system, a worldview … In this case, she speaks of a culture and aesthetics. The aesthetic is the perception that one has of beauty. She was criticizing the cultural model and the name of a person [is mentioned in passing]. … We can not make criminals of those who have differing opinions.”

If the case is taken to court, Forero says, “we have all the legal tools to demonstrate to the Colombian justice system that this is a legitimate development of freedom of expression which is constitutionally protected.”

Stay tuned!

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