Juanes gives Facebook Live’s 1st Spanish interview

Facebook Live talked to Colombian rocker Juanes for the social media website’s first-ever Spanish-language interview.

In the chat, Juanes spoke about music as a means of education and about his new album.

The Colombian musician, known as “the Latin King of Social Networks” for his use of Facebook and other social media, was the first native Spanish-speaker to give an interview in this exclusive series in which such people as former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have been interviewed.

In the interview, the 19-time Latin Grammy winner, known for his social activism as well as his music, marveled at the capacity of Facebook as a social means to connect people more easily, calling it “incredible.”

He spoke about the socially conscious themes that have been present in his music throughout his career, as well as the philanthropic work he has done, stating: “We have caused a very positive impact in many families” and saying how important it feels “to bring to the imagination of young people the theme of peace as an option of life. If they know this, tomorrow maybe they won’t take up arms and instead opt for dialogue.”

In regards to his new album, “P.A.R.C.E,” he said that it was a bit “more personal’ and “more introspective” but that nonetheless the theme of human relationships continues to be very present within it.

The Medellin native will kick off his next tour in Seattle, Washington on March 10th.

Watch live streaming video from facebookguests at livestream.com

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