Jessica Cediel has best booty in Colombia

TV guide “TV & Novelas” voted Jessica Cediel for best booty in Colombia, with Maricia Montoya “behind” by only 2% of the votes.

While the vote came down to 27% in favor of Cediel and 25% in favor of Montoya, some fans agree that both Cediel and Montoya are worth of the title.

“Those who won deserved to win. Marica Patricia Montoya is a beautiful woman who represents the Medellin natives with her body and behind, while Jessica is a woman who inspires tenderness and her natural behind is a worthy winner…Good choice TV & Novelas,” said one fan on the TV & Novelas website.

Cediel’s booty competed against other stunners like Cristina Hurtado, Melissa Giraldo, Sara Corrales and Jessica’s former colleague and alleged arch enemy, the dishonest Laura Acuña (the one with the exploding breast).

Congratulations to Jessica, and her bombatious booty!

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