Isabella Santodomingo: Colombia’s Woman of the Year

Fuschia magazine readers elected the writer and actress Colombian Woman of the Year for 2009.

Santodomingo was honored at an event held at the Salto del Angel Bar in Bogota. She was nominated along with nine other Colombians who all represent the entrepreneurship, passion, leadership, intelligence and femininity that characterizes the nation’s women, according to the magazine’s editor Lila Ochoa.

Her message is clear in everything that she does, reports Colombian site Terra: Be independent without losing your femininity. Believe in love without prejudices, but also without losing your head, your work, or your dreams.

Says Santodomingo, “this award is a recognition of a career that I thought was dying. I wanted to settle down and do other things, but the more I tried to retire, the more I was drawn to things I had not done before.”

Santodomingo is the ripe old age of 39. Her latest best-selling book is called Sexorcismo.

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