Medellin hosts International Music Festival

The Medellin Philharmonic Orchestra is pleased to present the fourth annual International Music Festival of Medellin, planned to play throughout the city of eternal spring from October 8-22.

The festival will provide listeners with a veritable feast for the ears, including orchestra performances, renowned composers, workshops, lectures, and some of the best music in the world showcased at both open air concerts and grand theater recitals.

Participating groups and solo artists will be featured from many of Medellin’s universities and schools, as well as a variety of international musicians from Spain, Venezuela, Israel, Canada, Chile, and the United States.

Performers are set to play classical pieces by world-class composers such as Mozart, Vivaldi, Mendelssohn, Shostakovich, Carl Orff, and Manuel de Falla.

The International Music Festival of Medellin is an “event of great social and artistic impact that leverages the universal language of music to open the door to the exchange of ideas and worldviews and to highlight both what people have in common and what makes each one of them unique and different.”

The programation for the event is available online, and offers the opportunity for all to enjoy free performances in public parks as well as ticketed theater events.

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