Hundreds to march in remembrance of the victims of Colombia’s 50-year conflict

(Photo: Wikipedia)

More than 500 leaders of victims from all over the country will come to Bogota on Wednesday to commemorate the victims of Latin America’s longest conflict. 

The 50-year-old Colombia’s armed conflict has left the country over 200,000 dead, 60.000 disappeared and 3.8 million left homeless  to name some of the victims of the conflict.

Colombia has been celebrating April 9 as National Victim’s Day since President Santos designated the day in 2011. The National Victim’s Day was created to remember, recognize and compensate all those who fell victims to the guerrillas, paramilitaries and the state.

FACT SHEET: Disappearances in Colombia (stats / map)

FACT SHEET:Colombia displacement statistics


“The Congress will gather together in the National Capitol to listen to the victims and remember the pain and the loss caused by more than 50 years of conflict,” said the President of the Congress, Juan Fernando Cristo.

MOREColombia commemorates its victims in first ever day of remembrance

 On Thursday, a delegation of victims will also meet two peace activists from Israel and Palestine as an example of reconciliation.

The private sector will also be part of the events and a group of entrepreneurs will discuss the role of the private sector in the reconciliation process.


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