Hollywood takes steps towards Pablo Escobar movie

Brad Furman, director of “The Lincoln Lawyer,” is involved in negotiations to make a movie about slain Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, a U.S. magazine reported Saturday.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the untitled project about Escobar is the third to be developed in Hollywood in recent years; competing projects by director Oliver Stone and a high-budget remake of the 2001 documentary “Killing Pablo,” based on the book by Mark Bowden, were put on hold.

Producer Scott Steindorff told the movie magazine that the Escobar film will be a cross between “The Godfather” and a war movie.

“This is the Latino ‘Godfather’,” Steindorff told The Hollywood Reporter.

“We’re showing the story of his family, the structure of his enterprise, his rise—the man had the largest criminal organization in the world. In the end, it was a war between Colombia and one man,” the producer added.

The infamous Escobar has featured in several documentaries, but never made it to the big screen. Despite being killed 18 years ago, the drug lord (1949 – 1993) continues to leave an impact on the image of Colombia abroad.

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