FARC threatens Medellin prison director

Colombia’s largest rebel group FARC has declared the director and guards of a Medellin prison as “military targets,” reported local media Thursday.

The “Ivan Rios” Bloc of the FARC declared the director, Fabian Rios Cortes, as well as the guards of the Bellavista prison in Colombia’s second largest city as military targets in a threatening note.

“We permit ourselves to inform you [of the prison] that as of now, the director and the guards of this establishment are declared as military targets (and also their families if necessary),” said a pamphlet that was attributed to FARC members.

The reasoning of the threat is believed to come from an order that director Cortes had made, in which firearms and grenades were captured in one of the yards where FARC militia were held.

Authorities are now investigating the origin of the note, and have confirmed that several inmates of the prison were already transferred for safety reasons.

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