FARC negotiators for peace dialogues revealed

The principal five negotiators to represent the FARC in peace dialogues with Colombia’s government have been revealed, and they all have hefty criminal records.

“Ivan Marquez” and “Jose Santrich,” who were announced in an official manner last week, will be joined by Ricardo Tellez, alias “Rodrigo Granda;” Jesus Carvajalino, alias “Andres Paris;” Luis Alberto Alban, alias “Marco Leon;” and Ricardo Palmera, alias “Simon Trinidad,” an anonymous FARC member told The Associated Press Thursday.

In total, the representatives have at least 340 judicial sentences against them including security measures, arrest warrants, and convictions, reported La W Radio. Five main guerrilla plenipotentiaries have been announced that will be voices for the group in tables of discussion.

  • “Ivan Marquez” (Luciano Marin Arango)
    Member of the country’s largest guerrilla group since 1977 has been associated with FARC splinter groups outside of Colombia, and his presence at public events in Venezuela allegedly contributed to the difficult relations between the two neighboring countries, according to newspaper El Tiempo. He also participated in the La Uribe peace talks in the 80’s. Marquez has a total of 66 security measures against him, 132 arrest warrants and 18 convictions.
  • “Rodrigo Granda” (Ricardo Tellez)
    Considered the “ambassador” of the guerrilla group and was captured in Venezuela in 2004 and was later freed by ex-president Alvaro Uribe’s government through a petition from France. Granda has four sentences against him, two arrest warrants and is accused for crimes of training illicit activities, rebellion, illicit enrichment, illicit recruitment, forced disappearance and was also condemned to 15 years of prison.
  • “Andres Paris” (Jesus Emilio Carvajalino)
    Plenipotentiary in the table of negotiations and has always been part of the political wing of the FARC. He was also a negotiator in San Vicente del Caguan. Paris has three arrest warrants against him and is accused for conspiracy, terrorism, rebellion, forced disappearance and forced displacement.
  • “Marco Leon Calarca” (Luis Alberto Alban Urbano)
    Captured in 1998 in Bolivia and then sent to Mexico where he lived for eight years and installed an office to maintain relations with the guerrilla group. He was expelled in 2002 and will now take part in his fourth dialogue. Calarca has been issued seven security measures against him and has 15 arrest warrants along with being accused, among other crimes, of homicide, terrorism, kidnapping, taking hostages, seizing aircrafts and conspiracy, and was condemned to 32 years of prison.
  • “Simon Trinidad” (Juvenal Ovidio Ricardo Palmera Pineda)
    Extradited leader currently imprisoned in the United States, was financial manager of the FARC and was the first guerrilla to be extradited to the U.S. in 2004. He was commander of the Caribbean bloc and has 11 security measures in place and 28 arrest warrants against him. He will take place in dialogues from his position in the U.S.

The non-plenipotentiary members that will be supporting peace negotiations include FARC guerrillas

  • “Jesus (or Jose) Santrich” (Seusis Hernandez)
  • “Hermes Aguilar” (Orlay Jurado Palomino)
  • “Bernardo Salcedo”
  • “Ruben Zamora” (Emilio del Carmen Ropero Suarez)
  • “Sargento Pascuas” (Miguel Angel Pascuaz Santos)

The FARC guerrillas will be entering the table of peace negotiations with President Juan Manuel Santos’ government starting October 8 in the Norwegian capital of Oslo, and will later continue in Cuba’s capital Havana. These will be the first peace talks since 2002, when attempts failed to end the country’s now 48-year armed conflict.

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