FARC front commander killed in northern Colombia

A FARC leader, alias “Valenciano,” has been killed during military operations in northern Colombia, reported local media Wednesday.

Valenciano, the leader of the FARC’s 5th Front, was taken down during combat in the northern Cordoba department. The guerrilla had been accused of criminal activity and various attacks against the public in the region.

He was also an alleged participant of the Bojaya massacre that occurred on May 2, 2002 in the west Choco department, when fighting between right-wing paramilitary organization, AUC, and the FARC broke out. Guerrilla members fired a gas cylinder that exploded in a church where residents were hiding. An alleged 119 civilians were killed, more than 40 of which were children.

Valenciano had been in FARC ranks for 23 years, and had most recently been in charge of managing finances, as well as the production and harvesting of coca paste. Security forces also seized arms, explosives and military uniforms during the operation.

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