Last chance to see exhibition of Colombian art 1960-2000

A show at the Museum of Arts and Culture Colsubsidio in Bogota covering 40 years of Colombian art closes in two weeks’ time.

“Figuration and Representation in Colombia: 1960 – 2000” features work by artists including Ana Mercedes Hoyos, Beatriz Gonzales, Luis Caballero, Santiago Cardenas, and Nadín Opina. The show closes on January 23.

The exhibition showcases 27 pieces from the museum’s collection, chosen to illustrate the development of Colombia’s art over the period.

“My work is called ‘Nina Weightless,’ and belongs to the series of girls I was painting that year (1965). It reflects the search for an artist who did not want to be Botero, but wanted to be very modern,” says the visual artist, Beatriz Gonzalez, as quoted in CM&.

The exhibition is open Monday to Saturday, 9AM to 6PM, and entry is free. For m,ore information please click here.

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