Europe advises Uribe not to seek re-election

Javier Solana, The European Union’s High Representative of Foreign Affairs, advised Colombian President Alvaro Uribe not to change the constitution allowing him to run for a third term.

The high official told RCN Radio that even though Solano considers himself “a really good friend of Alvaro Uribe, my advise is to not make any constitutional changes.”

Solana praised Uribe’s results in making Colombia a “stable” republic, but “constitutional reforms should be to change the structure of a country and never to give the impression of something to favor one person.”

“How important it may be and how well he may have done his job — and Alvaro Uribe has been a splendid President — I would just like he will go into history as a magnificent Colombian Head of State,” Solana continued.

Europe’s High Representative will meet Uribe later this week in New York where the Colombian President and the EU Representative are attending the General Assembly of the United Nations.

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