Ecuador claims copies of ‘Raul Reyes’ files unreadable

Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño said Thursday that “technical difficulties” have made it difficult to read the mirror copies of the files found on deceased FARC “Raul Reyes” computer, which Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos handed over to Ecuadorean authorities following his inauguration on August 7.

“We recognize the fact President Santos handed it over the day of his possession to [Ecuadoran President Rafael] Correa was a positive gesture, however, they haven’t been able to be understood, read, for technical reasons. We hope we can overcome that,” Patiño said.

Colombia seized the discs in March 20008, following a military raid on a FARC camp in Ecuadorean territory, in which Raul Reyes and 25 others were killed. Ecuador viewed the incursion as undermining its sovereignty and cut ties with Colombia.

The Colombian government claims Raul Reyes’ computer contained files evidence of the Correa administration’s collusion with the FARC, which Ecuador has denied.

The neighbor nations began to work at restoring in ties in late 2009, however Correa said that the restoration of relations was dependent on Colombia handing over Reyes’ seized files, something the then-government of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe refused to do.

Patiño stressed that a greater security presence is required at the two countries’ common border and reiterated the need for Colombia to provide more resources from its end. Ecuador currently has 7,000 soldiers stationed along the 586 kilometer border.

Following a FARC attack on the Putumayo town of San Miguel, just kilometers from the border with Ecuador last week, the neighbor nations agreed to put their Bi-national Border Commission (Combifron) into force.

Ecuador and Colombia reactivated Combifron in October 2009, as a step towards repairing ties that Ecuador broke after the 2008 incursion. The commission allows for regular meetings between the military commanders of both countries and the quick and secure exchange of information to fight crime.

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