Dog killing artist exposed in Colombia

Contoversial Costa Rican artist Habacuc Vargas, famous for allowing a street dog starve to death as part of an exhibition has hit the Colombian headlines again with a new proposition.

Vargas’s new stunt was to collect the sweat of immigrants, with which he prepared various edible treats to feed to visitors at the opening of his new show in Milan, Italy.

In an interview with Caracol he stated he was seeking to address the subject of immigration in his current work.

He said that the sweat was collected from a Nigerian prostitute, an Egyptian cook, a Moroccan builder, a Romanian bricklayer, a Senegales street-vendor and a Peruvian porter and he used it to season the food.

Vargas’ justification for his exhibition was “people do not realise what they are eating” and his intention for the opening show was to have a room in which there was a table spread with food and a curtain separating a section of the room where videos were played showing how the food was prepared.

According to the artist, on seeing the video, some people stopped eating, others spat and some did not even realise and carried on.

Vargas confirmed to Caracol that he will be attending the International Art Fair of Bogota, which takes place from October 22 to 26 in the capital.

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