Colombia en Fotos: Digital cameras for kids living in poverty

Donated digital cameras may serve as tools for impoverished children to “transform their reality” as part of the new “Colombia en Fotos” project.

The project, which is sponsored by, holds photography workshops for disadvantaged children in the Antioquia department, in an effort to use the art form to help children “understand, portray, and transform their reality.”

The organization is requesting donations of digital cameras that are still in good shape. Colombia en Fotos members are willing to collect the donated cameras from anywhere in the country, “even if you live in the most remote part of Colombia.”

Along with asking for camera donations, the organization has invited the online community to participate in its work. Results from five different photography workshops that will take place in the Valle de Aburra region of south-central Antioquia will be posted online, offering spectators a platform to view prospective talent as well as to participate, brainstorm and share ideas about this and future projects.

More information can be found at the Colombia en Fotos project website, and those who wish to donate cameras can email or

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