Inspector general slams Stephen Hawking

Colombia’s inspector general asked the government to declare British scientist Stephen Hawking persona non grata, due to the scientist’s “malicious distortion of the Divine Truth.”

Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez, Rome’s unofficial representative in Bogota and favorite for the national “Defender of Catholic Interests” award, said he considers Hawking’s statement that “God didn’t create the universe – it was actually a result of the inevitable laws of physics” is “an insult to the virtue and faith of the Colombian people.”

“For 200 years the Colombian people have endured repression, hunger, injustice and violence, only because of their solid faith that once in heaven everything will be alright. Without this loyalty to God and His one and only representative on earth, the Church, Colombians may not be able to put up with what they are made to endure (and demand change),” Ordoñez wrote to Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin.

“It is exactly these kind of lies, haunting humanity ever since the so-called ‘enlightment,’ that have created communism,” the inspector general warned the minister.

When asked by reporters about the constitutionality of his request to declare Hawkins unwelcome in the Catholic country, Ordoñez explained that “there is only one constitution and that is the ten commandments as written in the Holy Scripture. Hawking’s actions and remarks are in clear violation of these Laws.”

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