DAS: illegal wiretaps undertaken by outsiders

The director of Colombian intelligence agency DAS, does not rule out
the possibility that recently denounced illegal wiretaps of government
critics are being conducted by private security companies and illegal
armed groups.

“Intelligence is preventing us from discussing the issue, as there is a history of illegal groups seizing surveillance equipment [in order to intercept communications],” Director Felipe Muñoz said.

He added that even some countries working with Colombia have specialized teams to follow those that are being monitored by the Colombian authorities.

According to Muñoz, the DAS has taken substantive measures to avoid the practice of illegal tapping of telephones of Colombian citizens.

“We have not [merely] taken superficial measures. In fact, we are restructuring DAS and so far 414 officials have already left [the organization],” he said.

He stated that DAS has not received further orders from President Alvaro Uribe other than to continue using the means available to the organization to fight crimes committed against the constitution and law of Colombia.

“[Prosecution] investigations are continuing but I do wish that prosecutors were a little faster with these processes,” Muñoz added.

Weekly Semana Sunday accused the DAS of continuing its illegal wiretapping of government critics and expanding its illegal wiretaps to presidential candidates. The service was already being investigated by the Prosecutor General and has several of its highest officials and former officials in jail awaiting trial.

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