Cordoba supporters take legal action

Supporters of dismissed politician Piedad Cordoba bring a legal action before the Superior Court of Bogota to ask that Cordoba resume her position as senator, reports El Espectador.

The supporters made this request via a “tutela,” a writ of protection of fundamental rights, which is a mechanism created in Colombia’s Constitution in 1991. They argue that their political rights as voters were violated when the Liberal senator was removed from office.

Cordoba should be able to resume her seat while a decision is made on their petition, argue her followers.

Augusto Ocampo, the group’s lawyer, stated that the writ is the correct process for the voters to follow because it emphasizes their authority as voters.

Ocampo said that if the court does not protect the rights of the voters, it will have to clearly explain the evidence against Cordoba, proving her alleged ties with the FARC guerrilla group.

Former Senator Piedad Cordoba was barred from public office for 18 years by the Inspector General’s Office, which found her guilty of collaborating with the FARC.

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