COP1.3 billion seized from ex-paramilitaries

Twelve properties and COP1.3 billion in cash ($660,000) were confiscated from former paramilitaries by Colombian authorities, to compensate victims via the Justice and Peace process, reports El Tiempo.

At the request of a Justice and Peace prosecutor, a Bogota court ruled on the seizure of COP1.3 billion and twelve properties belong to eleven former members of the paramilitary blocs, “Centaurs” and “Heroes of the Plains.”

Victims in the departments of Casanare, Meta, Guaviare, Boyaca, Cundinamarca and Bogota stand to benefit from the paramilitary plunder, but it was not immediately clear how the assets would be distributed.

In April, Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s Office said it was “investigating 400 municipalities under the influence of paramilitaries, involving 300,000 registered complaints that include 150,000 extrajudicial executions.”

The confiscated money and property comes from the following former paramilitaries:

  • Daniel Rendon Herrera, alias “Don Mario
  • Dumar Jesus Guerrero Castillo, alias “Carecuchillo”
  • Manuel de Jesus Piraban, alias “Pirata”
  • Benjamin Parra Cardenas, alias “Cony”
  • Alberto Ramiro Torres Hernández, alias “Policia”
  • Luis Cardenas Arlex Arango, alias “Chatarro”
  • Nelson Reyes Guerrero, aka “Perro Sonso”
  • Ivan Castaneda Gaviria, alias “Fiscalia”
  • Francisco Antonio Arias, alias “Pacho”
  • Javier Domingo Romero, alias “Rufo”
  • Ferney Tovar Ramirez, alias “Fercho”

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