Contemporary dance festival opens in Bogota

Contemporary dance festival “Impulsos 2011” opened in Bogota on Wednesday, bringing together dancers from 21 companies across eight countries.

The event’s second year will be held in six theaters in the Colombian capital, where dance styles such as post-dance, theater-dance, video-dance, contemporary dance and hip hop burlesque will delight attendees.

Impulsos 2011 will bring together dance companies from Sweden, Venezuela, Canada, France, Spain, Costa Rica and Germany and host country Colombia. The guests of honor are Catalonia and the Balearic Isles.

Well-known choreographers such as Franco-Algerian Samir Akiko and Spaniard Sonia Gomez will also be putting on exciting shows and engaging routines to surprise audiences.

The event, organized by the National Theatre and the L’Explose Foundation, will run from April 27 to May 8.

To see the full program listing, visit here.

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