Colombians march against Santos

Colombians, allegedly without political agenda but held together through social networks, are holding a “cacerolazo,” a colloquial term meaning banging pots and pans in protest, against the government of President Juan Manuel Santos’ government on Wednesday.

The mass protest is comprised of Colombian citizens with no official political leanings that are using social networks such as Twitter (to organize a series of nationwide marches against Colombia’s government.

The first “cacerolazo” started this morning in Bogota, with 20 other cities across the country to follow suit Wednesday.

The accusations against and reasons for protesting the government are varied, from the President’s tax reform to FARC peace talks and the San Andres territory debacle, Colombians have found motivation to march against Santos and his administration, reported Caracol Radio.

Although the protests do not have an established political agenda, Santa Fe Radio reported that the event is being promoted by “

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