Colombian singer gets hot and heavy with Miss Universe

Colombian singer Juan David Lopez seems to have won over more than just the Colombian public with his album “Como el dia antes.” The smooth Medellin crooner may also have won the heart of the current Miss Universe, voluptuous Venezuelan Stefania Fernandez!

In an interview with El Tiempo, Latin lover Lopez reveals that he meet the foxy Fernandez when she travelled to the Bahamas as Miss Venezuela to compete in the Miss Universe contest. Sparks flew and two kept in contact over the Internet, the loved-up Lopez recounts.

While laptops were prohibited at the contest, Lopez says that Fernandez slyly hid hers under her bed so that the star-crossed lovers could talk for hours online before sleep finally overtook them.

Asked if he is embroiled in a romance with Fernandez, Lopez says coyly “the only thing I can say is that there is chemistry, but I’ll leave it at that.”

Lovelorn Lopez says that due to Fernandez’s commitments as Miss Universe, the pair have not been able to see each other frequently but “we have continued with our friendship.”

“I always sing my songs to her, including two which I recorded and sent to her. A while ago, when she was watching the video of my latest song that I made in New York, she told me she wanted to be the model in one of them,” Lopez sighs.

Unfortunately Fernandez’s contract will not allow her to film a video while she is Miss Universe. “We’ve spoken about it and we will have to wait two months until [her year as Miss Universe] is over,” says Lopez.

While the oceans may divide their love, Lopez remains devoted and says he has dedicated several his songs to Venezuelan beauty.

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