Colombian pop singer pulls no-show after receiving full payment

Colombia News - Lucas Arnau

News has made it through the grapevine that Paisa tropi-popster Lucas Arnau got paid for a gig and then pulled a no-show.

Rumor, according to Sweet magazine, has it that tropical-pop singer Arnau was asked by business hot-shot Carlos Mora to perform at Indiana night club in Medellin on April 30.

All the prep for the show went according to plans and Arnau was given an advance payment.

Then, on the night of the gig, the singer had a diva moment and demanded that a huge number of guests to be let in.

Furthermore, just before Arnau was ready step into the spot light, his manager demanded full payment, and the event organizers complied — with a check. A spat ensued, when the musician and his manager complained that, “If it’s not cash, it’s not money.”

Arnau apparently stormed off in a huff, and since then businessman Mora has been searching high and low for him and his manager to return the advance and to cover the costs racked up by his no-show performance.

Mora has gone so far as to say that If they don’t respond, he’ll take them to court.

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