Bogota Police assists Justin Bieber during nighttime graffiti outing

Justin Bieber doing graffiti in Bogota (Photo: Justin Bieber's Instagram)

Bogota police have escorted Canadian singer Justin Bieber to spray graffiti on the walls of Colombia’s capital, local media reported Thursday.

Bieber was in Colombia for his first ever concert in the South American country on Tuesday.

MORE: Bieber fever descends on Bogota

Following the concert, the Canadian singer, escorted by bodyguards and local police, took to Calle 26 for some graffiti spraying, but was “surprised” by a local camera team.

His bodyguards tried to stop the camera team recording Bieber and even asked the police to do so, according to local TV station City TV.

That Bieber was escorted by the police while doing graffiti proved controversial given that a policeman is on trial for killing a young graffiti artist, Diego Felipe Becerra, in August 2011 in Bogota.

Not surprisingly, the father of Becerra now criticizes the police for its inconsistent behavior.

“While graffiti artists here in Colombia get attacked and thrown into jail by the police, an international artist is escorted by the same police to do his art,” stated the father, Gustavo Trejos, to local station Caracol Radio.

His son was shot by a police patrol while spraying graffiti on a bridge in the north of Bogota. The cases of several policemen involved in this incident are still under investigation.

MORE: UN condemns police shooting of Colombian graffiti artist

This is more bad publicity for Bieber’s tour in South America after rumors were reported of him having contact with a prositute after his show in Panama on October 24.

Justin Bieber doing graffiti in Bogota


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