Colombian department holds ugly pageant (photos)

Colombia news - ugly

Colombia’s Antioquia department, nationally renowned for its beautiful women, Saturday elected its ugliest citizen; a 42-year old street vendor from the town of Marinilla.

The winner of the Ugly Pageant, known locally as “Slapface,” promised the jurors of the competition to “continue being ugly” despite the honor.

While electing him as the department’s ugliest, the Antioquia jury praised Slapface as “a person with character, intelligence and honesty, who is adored by those around him.”

The jury consisted of “experts,” including a former soccer referee, local politicians, the owner of a beauty parlor and a journalist.

Antioquia’s ugliest won $560, a shopping voucher and other gifts.

{japopup type=”image”content=”pics/2012/mphoto/ugly1.jpg” title=”Antioquia’s ugliest”}Antioquia's ugliest{/japopup} {japopup type=”image”content=”pics/2012/mphoto/ugly2.jpg” title=”Antioquia’s ugliest”}Antioquia's ugliest{/japopup} {japopup type=”image”content=”pics/2012/mphoto/ugly3.jpg” title=”Antioquia’s ugliest”}Antioquia's ugliest{/japopup} {japopup type=”image”content=”pics/2012/mphoto/ugly4.jpg” title=”Antioquia’s ugliest”}Antioquia's ugliest{/japopup}

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