Colombian chef cooks up edible outfit

colombia news - edible outfit

A Colombian chef cooks up an edible wedding gown and shoes for a textile fair in Medellin, reports Spanish news agency EFE.

Although Juan Manuel Barrientos claims to know little about fashion, when someone asked him about clothes you can eat, it launched him into culinary research that did not stop until he had created an edible outfit for a bride.

Barrientos was inspired to create a wedding gown, because it is a dress that is not only meant for the guest to see, but “for the husband to take off of her.” Thus he wanted to create a special “dessert” for the groom to enjoy on his wedding night, according to EFE.

The delectable outfit consists of a dress made from 2,000 sugared rose petals, candied jewelry, a bra of champagne-cloth and a bouquet of edible flowers.

Barrientos’ creation was presented today at Colombiatex, a textile fair for professionals in the fashion industry taking place in Medellin between January 25 and 27.

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