Colombian beauty queen gives up crown over nude pictures

A Colombian beauty queen has ceded her crown following a controversial nude appearance in a Colombian men’s magazine.

Jessica Paola Montoya told Colombian media that she was confused by the furore but she did not regret having posed for the magazine. Nude photos are an infringement of beauty competition rules.

The former Miss Choco — a southern Pacific department — decided to give up her crown following the photo controversy.

The images were part of a SoHo feature entitled “In praise of black women,” which sought to parody a controversial photo shoot in “Hola!” magazine that featured four white female entrepreneurs sitting in front of two black female servants.

The popular men’s mag posted on Twitter that it “invited four stunning black models to pose in an impressive Hollywood mansion.” The photo shows the four Afrocolombian models posing in the mansion in front of two white female servants.

Twitter users have shown support for the feature, praising the strong statement made by SoHo in its condemnation of the potentially offensive Hola! photo. Others have questioned the necessity of the Afrocolombian women posing nude.

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