Colombian actor turned politician cries smear campaign

actor politician colombia

Colombian actor turned political-hopeful Juan Pablo Posada is furious following the public airing of his dirty laundry, according to Colombian gossip website sweet.

The once-famous television star is currently in the running for city council of Bogota and was none too pleased when his little tax-evasion-episode was dredged up yet again.

In 2008, the actor went to catch a flight out of Colombia only to discover that he was unable to leave the country due to an accumulated tax evasion debt of $4600 for failure to pay his taxes. The performer/politician claims that his tax notifications had been sent to an address at which he no longer resided, “something that could honestly happen to any regular person.”

Unfortunately, when it comes to Colombian politics, any chance for a smear campaign is usually leapt upon and Posado’s tax evasion scandal was no exception. It appears that one of the former soap star’s political competitors though that might be able to gain the political edge by reviving the indiscrepancy just before the upcoming elections.

Bogota and the rest of Colombia will be casting their votes on October 30.

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