Colombia travel agency opens gay tourism office

Colombian travel agency Aviatur opens a Bogota office specializing in tourism for the country’s gay community.

According to Aviatur, the holiday packages offered by the agency will not differ greatly from other holiday packages, but will seek to offer members of Colombia’s LGBT community the chance to travel the country together.

“The tourism service for this community does not imply offering a service that is radically different from traditional tourism. It is just a segmentation because people enjoy traveling more if they can do so with like-minded people,” Aviatur executive Eduardo Muñoz told newspaper El Tiempo.

However, the gay travel package does offer a “certain refinement” compared to mainstream travel, said Muñoz. “The programs include a lot of culture, gastronomy, wine and culture.”

According to the World Tourism Organization, the 10% of the world’s travelers who are gay are responsible for about 15% of what is spent on tourism.

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