Colombia to evaluate WikiLeaks cables for evidence

Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it will begin assessing documents released by Wikileaks to see if they contain more information about illegal wiretapping by security agency DAS, reports RCN.

Outgoing Prosecutor General Guillermo Mendoza Diago said that although the WikiLeaks documents were not being used for current investigations as they were obtained illegally, they could be helpful for further investigations.

The prosecutor general also said that it was possible that former police chief General Oscar Naranjo, whose suspicions of Uribe’s involvement in the wiretap scandal were outlined in a recently leaked cable, could be called for questioning.

“We do not work with mere rumors … however one can never rule anything out of an early investigation,” said Mendoza Diago.

Revelations about the illegal wiretapping of government opponents by DAS, which came to light in 2008, have caused various members of the Uribe administration to come under investigation, including the former president himself.

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